
Ancient Taoist Principles in Practice
Classes in Northeast England, UK
Authentic Taiji teachings handed down in an unbroken chain.
Deep Body - Deep Emotions - Deep Mind
Inner Development starts via the the deep body intelligence
Deep breathing - oxygenates the body and brain
Waves of movement - massage the lymphatic system
Energizing the nervous system - increases neuromuscular control
Escape the internal chatter & stress stimulated by the outer roughness of the world
Plunge the fire of the mind into the waters of the body to
create a balance in Body, Emotions & Mind.
Each class we begin by closing down the everyday 'chattering' mind and
then awaken the deeper mind by listening into the deep body sensations
using the 5 inner senses
What We Train:
- 5 Loosening Exercises of Huang Xingxian
- Cheng Manqing 37-move Short Form
- Yang Chengfu 108-move Long Form
- Huang Xingxian Fast Form
- 8 basic Fixed Pattern Pushing-Hands.
- 8 advanced Fixed Pattern Pushing-Hands.
Class includes 5 - 15min guided meditation.
Our aim is the gentle path of internal refinement.
Regular classes & seminars in the Northeast of England and elsewhere. The school is directed by long trained, qualified, senior instructor with 25+ years intensive Taiji experience, assisted by senior students of 10+ years experience.
The classes are aimed at those who wish to learn deeply.
Beginners are welcome all year round.
Enrolling of new starters...
You are most welcome to come and see what we do, ask your questions, see if it suits what you are looking for. We have a methodical, step by step, teaching process to lead you deeper...
Northern School of Taijiquan - northernschooloftaijiquan - Joe Harte - joetaiji - Taiji classes - Tai chi classes - Northeast - Durham - Co. Durham - County Durham - Taiji - Tai Chi - Tai Chi Chuan - Taijiquan - Patrick Kelly - Huang Sheng Shyan - Huang Xingxian - Cheng Man Ching - Zheng Manqing - Yang Cheng Fu - Yang Chengfu - Meditiation - Energy Transformation - Energy arts - combatzone - Combat Zone - martial arts - kung fu - Deep Mind - Dao - Tao - Daoism - Taoism - I Ching - Tao Teh Ching - Dao De Jing - Internal Martial Art -